Valencia International University

Edition and Digitization of its Bachelor and Master's degrees catalog

About Valencia International University

Valencia International University (VIU) is one of the leading online universities in the Spanish-speaking world.

Active since
Students in Spain and Latin America
+ 0
A subsidiary of Planeta Formación y Universidades
Since 0

The challenge

Edition and Digitization of its Bachelor and Master's degrees subject catalog for more than 250 subjects (Arts and Humanities, Science and Technology, Education, Business, Legal...)

The solution

Netex offers the following quality and value-added services:

  1. Coordination with authors
  2. Pedagogical advice to authors
  3. Revision and editing in Spanish and English
  4. Application of APA standards
  5. Layout of manuals in Indesign into PDF
  6. Instructional Design for E-learning
  7. Layout and production of HTML5 SCORM units

The results

+ 0
Pages revised and corrected
+ 0
Emails sent between Netex and the client
+ 0
Pages of courses developed
+ 0
APA references reviewed and implemented
+ 0
Graphics developed
+ 0
SCORM e-Learning units scripted and developed
+ 0
Digital displays designed
+ 0

VIU's rating

Products used


Memorable learning experiences

With more than 25 years of experience in developing bespoke content and multiple international awards, we are the most reliable solution to maximize the effectiveness and profitability of your e-learning strategy.

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