Netex and Gradiant join together to explore the future of learning and content creation

Netex and Gradiant, with the support of the Galician Agency for Innovation, have signed an agreement that will launch a joint research unit. The unit is called “Smart Lifelong Learning for the Industry of the Future and the Knowledge Society” and will focus on innovation in learning and content creation, both in the educational and corporate environments. The goal is to create content quickly and efficiently, with capacity for advanced analysis of how it is used and the real impact on users.

A million-dollar investment

Netex and Gradiant will each invest more than 1,000,000 euros in total, for three years. The regional government will contribute, through the Galician Agency for Innovation, with 30% of the total (more than 668,000 euros). In these three years, it is expected that 20 highly qualified jobs will be created.

The research lines

Likewise, the activity carried out by the Unit will have a great impact in the educational and industrial sectors. The three basic research lines that will be developed include new techniques for measuring and analysing how content is taught and how it is learnt in continuous learning environments, personalising didactic contents — adapting these to the specific needs of each student, and finally, improving the processes of creation of digital content, leading to economies of scale in mass production projects.

netex gradiant