Netex joins the EduTech Cluster

We are pleased to announce that Netex is now a member of Edutech Cluster. As a part of this association, Netex will be able to create new synergies with other companies in the education innovation sector and to participate in strategic projects, as well as open meaningful dialogue with the administrations linked to the ICT Education sector.

EduTech Cluster brings together 66 companies and organisations that have the common goal of promoting innovation to improve the use and integration of ICT in the educational sector. EduTech Cluster also works to help make the capacities and resources of its members more visible to the education sector and to promote products and/or offer technology-based services for the improvement of teaching-learning processes.

Netex has been involved in the learning technologies business for over twenty years. We use this experience to harness the latest technologies to join smart content, next-generation software and people to create a new way of learning. More information.

netex edutechcluster