Netex is positioned for the second consecutive year as one of the key companies in the e-learning industry in Europe

The consultant Fosway, human resources analyst, places us as a core challenger among all companies in the sector.

Despite the level of competitiveness of the UK market, Netex remains in an advantageous position of the matrix (Fosway 9-Grid™), which evaluates companies in relation to different parameters: scope of solutions, platforms, price, content services , formats and range of learning experiences, etc.

This is an independent analysis that closely watches the market companies and their solutions in order to obtain a state of digital training within the United Kingdom and the rest of Europe.

Fosway has taken into account for this new analysis the range of Netex products (platforms, applications, content and services), the experience of the company and the support and training offered to customers.

This category positions Netex as the only Spanish company present in the annual analysis for Digital Learning.