Netex and the Galician Health School for Citizens create a collection on public health education

The Galician Health School for Citizens, part of the Galician School of Health Care Administration, aims to train patients, families and citizens on health, providing them with information, knowledge and skills thus enabling them to make sound decisions to improve their quality of life. In collaboration with Netex, and within their plans for citizen training, they have decided to create easily accessible online training content for rapid consumption. Two of these contents, “Pain” and “Appropriate use of inhalers”, are already available on their platform. The creation process involves the production of videos and images to enrich and improve both the user experience and then recycle various existing materials such as presentations, texts or bibliographies. Over the coming months, the release of eight more learning modules covering topics such as “Hypoglycemia”, “Appropriate use of drugs” and “Breast cancer” are expected.
