Next Generation Learning 2016

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Next Generation Learning 2016
26 April 2016

Netex participates as a sponsor at the 9th edition of Spain’s leading think tank event on corporate learning technologies.

Aimed at Training Managers, there cites 19 experts from leading companies will gather to offer their knowledge and expertise through Interactive Dynamics, Expert Panels and Case Studies. Meet with them the challenges, trends and developments in strategy, management, teaching methods and resources available to service your company’s corporate learning.
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Expert Panel (11:00 – 11:45 am)

Keys to implementing PLE in business: how to best combine learning based on experience, social learning and formal learning.


  • Joseé Manuel Martín Márquez, Director of Product Development at Netex.
  • Beatriz Martín López, Head of Projects Team, Training Unit. HR Management at Correos.

[/vc_column_text][vc_column_text]Key topics:

  • Corporate Learning in the era of digital transformation
  • Personal Learning Ecosystems
  • Corporate Universities and High Performance Centres for all


Come and visit our stand!

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26 April 2016

Hotel Ilunion Atrium, Madrid.


@iiR_Spain | #NGeLearning[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row]

net generation learning 2016